
PC-based spirometer

Main Features:

  • high accuracy of lung volumes and air flow rates measurement;
  • 43 measurement parameters;
  • automatic control of reproducibility and quality of breathing maneuver performing;
  • demountable construction of flow sensor;
  • 3-liter calibration pump.

High Accuracy of Lung Volumes and Air Flow Rates Measurement

The high accuracy of lung volume and air flow rate measurement is provided by high-quality sensors and electronic components in the spirometer construction, the individual calibration of each device on a special stand and the use of built-in temperature, atmosphere pressure and humidity sensors to correct the measured flow and volume values automatically (bringing to BTPS standard).

43 Measurement Parameters

VC test: VC, IRV, ERV, TV

FVC test: FVC, FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FEV1/VC (Tiffenau index), FEV1/FVC, FEV3/VC, FEV3/FVC, MEF25%, MEF50%, MEF75%, MEF25-75, MEF75-85, MEF0.2-1.2l, Aex, PEF, Tex, TPEF, VPEF, FIV0.5, FEV0.5/FIV0.5, PIF, MIF50%, MEF50/MIF50

MVV test: MVV, BF, TV

Provocation (challenge) tests etc.

Automatic Control of Reproducibility and Quality of Breathing Maneuver Performing

The software displays messages concerning the mistakes made during inhalation and exhalation performing, and if necessary, recommends executing them once again.

Demountable Construction of Flow Sensor

The construction of the flow sensor simplifies cleaning and disinfection of spirometer components contacting with patient's mucous membranes and airflow.

The device delivery set includes such number of the replaceable flow sensors, which is quite enough for the performing of the checkups during a day without any breaks for the spirometer components disinfection. Besides, the device is supplied with the set of spare parts for the flow sensors that guarantees the long-term operation of the device without any additional purchases.

If necessary, you can use the disposable or reusable mouthpieces with 30 mm internal diameter produced by any manufacturer.

3-Liter Calibration Pump

The volume of the calibration pump approximates the average vital lung capacity of a human. Calibrated with 3-liter pump spirometer measures the external respiration functions more accurately and correctly. Pumps with the volume less than of measured object demonstrate predictably worst calibration result. Just imagine that you have to measure 3 liters of milk. Which measuring cup would help you to do it more accurately – 1-liter cup (three measurements) or 3-liter cup (one measurement)?

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